Table of Contents
Helps the customer to search and choose the required product by brand and a nested search inside the chosen brand
2.How to Install Brand Model Search Magento 2 Installation
2.1. Upload Extension files using Filezilla to app/code folder
1. Take a backup of the Magento files before replacing.
2. Extract the files from the package.
3. Upload the “Globalecomservices” folder under app/code on Magento root.
2.2. Run Installation commands in SSH
Login to your server with SSH (using putty or similar tool). Go to your Magento root folder (Usually public_html folder) and run commands below. This is the standard Magento extension installation procedure.
- a) Enable Gift wrap modules using command below:
php bin/magento module:enable Globalecomservices_Brandmodel
- b) Run upgrade command: (This is a standard Magento command)
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
- c) Run di Compile command
php -d memory_limit=-1 bin/magento setup:di:compile
- d) Redeploy static content
php -d memory_limit=-1 bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
- e) Verify if the module is listed
To list modules, run the following command
php -d memory_limit=-1 bin/magento module:status
3. Setup attributes
3.1. Create Attribute
Stores -> Product->Add new Attributes
3.1.1 Enter Atttribute data as follows
Click Add attributes button
Create attribute “brands” like below
3.1.2. Follow the instruction to create “d_brands” attribute code,
Default Label: brands
Attribute code: d_brands
Use in quick search =>Yes
Search Weight => 1
Visible in Advanced Search =>Yes
Allow HTML Tags on Storefront =>Yes
Visible on Catalog Pages on Storefront =>Yes
Used in Product Listing => Yes
Used for Sorting in Product Listing =>Yes
3.1.3. Similarly Create attributes “d_models”
Note:- It should be “d_brands”, “d_models”
3.2. Assign attributes to Attribute Set
Click the button Add New Groups .Please enter the group name “Brandmodel”
A group will be created at the end you can drag and drop to your respective location and save.
3.3. Add Brand model data to products:-
Products->Catalog->Add product
You can find a new tab Brands Models on the left side. Fill in all the required details and assign the product to a category as needed.
Note: d_brands, d_models attributes can take multiple values if the product has several fitments. Please select multiple select format. For Example, some products such as accessories, may fit multiple brands and models.
4. Setup Static Block
4.1. Add a static block for Brand model
Admin-> Content-> Blocks-> Add New Block
Brand model :-
Block Title: Brand model
Identifier: brand-model
Status: Enabled
{{block class="Magento\Framework\View\Element\Template" name="catalog.product.Brandmodelsearch" template="Globalecomservices_Brandmodel::product/brand_model.phtml"}}
4.2. Call static block in category page
Admin->Catalog->Categories->Select respective category->Below description area there is a section (Add CMS Block) to call static block to that category page in that select Brand Model and save the category.
4.3. Refresh Magento cache.
5. Questions
If you have any questions or issues, please contact technical support team via