Table of Contents
Custom Shipping Rate extension provides an easy way to calculate and display the shipping price based on the products in the cart page.
How to Install Custom Shipping Rate Extension
1.Take a backup of the Magento files before replacing
2. Extract the files inside Magento Installation Root
Magento_App_Root folder is same as your Magento Installation directory
3. Folder structure for default theme
Where <default> folder is based on default theme. Please copy the template folder into your specific theme folder
Refresh Magento cache.
Admin Panel – >System-> Cache Management –> Select all Check boxes– >Flush Magento Cache
Steps to be followed in admin panel
Enabled Custom Shipping Rate in admin panel
System à ConfigurationàSalesàShipping Methods
1. Enabled-You can disable or enable the Custom Shipping Rate extension by giving yes or no.
2. Title- This is the title will be display in front end
3. Save Config
4. Change ‘Current Configuration Scope’ to be the Main Website (or your website view)
5. Condition- choose values as appropriate , There are three types of conditions available
- Weight vs Destination,
- price vs Destination,
- #items vs Destination
6.You should now see an import button box appear with a browse box in Custom Shipping Rates. Browse to a CSV file. You should choose CSV file for appropriate conditions and save config.Details of CSV file configuration can be found below
Price vs destination:
Weight vs destination:
#items vs destination:
7.Save the config to upload the CSV file.
8. Ensure your products are setup correctly according to rules in CSV file.
9. In front end You should enter country, state/province, Zip/postal code. After that Custom Shipping Rate will be appear based on the condition range and zip code range in CSV file.
How to enable Free shipping method?
System à ConfigurationàSalesàShipping Methods
1. Free shipping display text: This is the text will be display in front end
2. Minimum order amount for free shipping: Free shipping method will be display in front end based on giving price.
In front end free shipping method will be display based on the minimum order amount for free shipping
How to enabled only Free shipping method?
1. Free shipping display text: This is the text will be display in front end
2. Minimum order amount for free shipping: Free shipping method will be display in front end appropriate giving price.
3. Only Display free shipping: You can disable or enable the Free shipping only by giving yes or no
Now You can see only free shipping method in front end.
Steps to Uninstall the Custom Shipping Rate Extension
Please follow the instructions below to uninstall Custom Shipping Rate Professional extension and remove from your website.
Step 1: Go to the location app/etc/modules/Globalecom_Customshippingratepro.xml
Find the line of code true
and change it to
Refresh the Cache in admin panel->System->Cache Management
step 2:Remove or rename the folder customshippingrate in following location app/code/local/Globalecom/customshippingrate
If you have any questions or issues, please contact technical support team via