Dealer Locator Magento 2 Installation Guide



Dealer locator Magento 2.x plugin offers your customers find or locate the nearest physical store or dealer on Google map for various search criteria. Search results are accurate with interactive Google map to locate the store easily.This store finder Magento extension comes with Mobile friendly user interface. This wiki guide provides the detailed instructions on how to install the Dealer locator plugin and how to configure it on magento 2.x version on your site.

How to Install Dealer locator Magento 2.x plugin Extension:

Backup: It is suggested to take a backup of the Magento website before replacing.

Please choose one of the methods below (A) or (B) and follow the steps to install the module.

A) Composer method:

If you have purchased the extension using Magento Market place, please follow the instructions in Market place and install the module using composer method. Please contact us if you require assistance with composer method. We will help.


B) FTP upload method: If you received the extension zip, you may extract the files inside Magento Installation Root Magento_App_Root folder is same as your Magento 2 Installation directory. After extracting you will see the module folders and files – app/code/Globalecomservices/Stockists

Open Command line in folder root of magento and run these standard commands

Flush Magento cache

php -d memory_limit=-1 bin/magento cache:flush

Enable the Dealer locator module
php bin/magento module:enable Globalecomservices_Stockists
Setup upgrade
php -d memory_limit=-1 bin/magento setup:upgrade
php -d memory_limit=-1 bin/magento setup:di:compile

Deploy Static content

php -d memory_limit=-1 bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy


Login to admin panel > Stores > Configuration. The module should be listed here now.

Note:- It requires magento 2.x with php7.x

Please follow below the steps to configure for this module:-

Step 1:
After installing the dealer locator module, please go to the path Store->Configuration->Dealer Locator for setting configuration of this module. The screens are below will help to figure out that place,


* Here you can change the setting for breadcrumbs, Meta title, descriptions, page url,template,map style, custom pin image, unit of length, Zoom, location share ,Radius and its style.


* For map, you need to use your own gmaps api key. To get your own key go to and then insert it in Store->Configuration->Dealer Locator ->Gmaps Api Key. Otherwise the map will not work because of Gmaps’ daily limits.


* If need map for specific location for the store list page, you can use that particular place address latitude and longitude with zoom level.




Store data add/import/export:-

For store data add, import and export in admin go to the path, Content->Dealer Locator.
Here you can do all the functions of add, import and export.



7* Store data details contains name, address, city, country, postcode, internal link, external link, telephone, email, schedule, description, intro, nearest station, distance, store images for index and individual store.


Frontend page looks like:-


How to Uninstall the extension Dealer locator Magento 2.x plugin:-

Please follow the instructions below to uninstall Dealer locator Magento 2.x plugin and remove from your website.

Step 1:- Go to the location app/etc/config.xml Find the line of code ‘globalecom_stockists’=>1 and change it to 0.Refresh the Cache in admin panel->System->Cache Management.

Step 2:- Remove the folder in the following location. app/code/Globalecom/Stockists

Step3:- Drop the table globalecom_stockists_stores.


If you have any questions or issues, please contact technical support team via