Year Make Model Professional Installation


The goal of this product is to implement search function where a visitor may select the Year, Make, and model of their vehicle(s) using simple drop-downs and then view a list of the vehicles or parts or accessories which will fit their vehicle.

Before you installing the YMM Professional Extension files in your server,

In your phpmyadmin, Please check the Variables in your database, In that increase the size of “max_allowed_packet” variable from 1,048,576 to 32,048,576.

Then, You can start the installation of YMM Professional extension.

Video Tutorial

Are you familiar with Magento extension installation? If so, you can quickly watch this Video tutorial to perform the installation.

Watch Video Tutorial

How to Install Year Make Model Professional Extension

1. Take a backup of the Magento files before replacing

2. Extract the files, inside folder “YmmeSearch_Professional_Updated”

3. Magento Installation Root Magento_App_Root folder is same as your Magento Installation directory

3. Folder structure for default theme Magento_App_Root/app/design/frontend/default/<theme>/template Where <theme> folder is based on default theme.

Please copy the files from “Magento_App_Root/app/design/frontend/base/default/template/catalog/product” folder into your specific theme folder.

Example theme folder is: app/design/frontend/default/modern/template/catalog/product

Steps to be followed in admin panel to setup attributes

Step 1: Catalog -> Attributes -> Manage Attribute. Then Click the button “Add New Attribute”



 Enter Atttribute data as follows



Attribute code: Year

Unique value: No
Values Required: Yes
Select all option yes for Use in quick search, Use in advanced search, Comparable on Front-end, Use In Search Results Layered Navigation, Allow HTML-tags on Front-end, Visible on Product View Page on Front-end, Used in product listing, Used for sorting in product listing

Similarly Create attributes  “v_model” and “make”

Please make a note of the 3 Attribute Codes. It should be  “make”, “v_model”, “year”

Step 2: Assign attributes to Attribute Set

Catalog -> Attributes -> Manage Attribute Set

Then Click on Default. Note: You may choose a different Attribute set appropriately depending on which products you want to setup Year Make Model Search.



Click the button Add New under Groups

You can find a pop up Explore User Prompt. Please enter the group name “YearMakeModel”

A group will be created at the end you can drag and drop to your respective location.



And kindly drag and drop the attributes under Unassigned Attributes under the group you have created.

Step 3:  Enter Year Make Model data

Catalog -> Manage Products -> Select a Product

Note:  This product is using the attribute set that is referred in Step 2




You can find a new tab YearMakeModel on the left side. Fill in all the required details and assign the product to a category as needed.

Note: Make, Model and Year can take multiple values if the product has several vehicle fitments. Please enter values in comma separated format. For Example:

Make=Honda, Toyota, Ford

Model=Accord, Camry, Focus


Step 4: Setup a new page for Year Make Model Search in website front end

Admin Panel >> CMS >>Manage Pages >>Add New Page

Page Title: YmmSearch
Self URL: ymmsearch
Status: Enabled

 {{block type="catalog/product_list" template="catalog/product/ymm-search.phtml"}}

After placing the ymm-search.phtml file in the respective page you can view the url http://<your website>/index.php/ymmsearch

Step 4a:  (Optional)

How to use a different Attribute?  For example, if you want to use attribute “Brand” instead of “Make”
If you use a different Attribute code when creating the attributes, you need to change in the following lines in the files  below:


<Magento_App_Root>/app/design/frontend/base or (Your Theme Folder)/default/template/catalog/product/ymm-search.phtml

Refer step 1 to note down the attribute codes. Changes required in YmmsearchController.php and ymm-search.phtml and ymm-search-sidebar.phtml


Step 4b:  (Optional)

How to show Year Make Model Search in side bar (Optional):

To make the search display in your leftbar/rightbar, follow steps (a) and (b) described below:

a) Move to the location app/design/frontend/default/<theme>/layout/ Select catalog.xml file

b) Find the following text “<reference name=”right”>” for right bar. Place the below code inside your reference for the “right”. Similar procedure can be followed for “left”

<block type=”catalog/product” name=”product_ymm-search-sidebar” template=”catalog/product/ymm-search-sidebar.phtml” before=”-“/>

Step 4c:  (Optional)

How to change style and width of Year Make Model drop down field?

If the magento version is 1.4 edit style.css with this code. Add this code at the end  in style.css
If the magento version is 1.3 edit boxes.css with this code. Add this code atlast in boxes.css

#makediv select { width: 150px; }
#modeldiv select { width: 150px; }
#yeardiv select { width: 150px; }

Step 5: Refresh Magento Cache
Admin Panel >> System >> Cache Management >> Select all check boxes >> Refresh



Step 6: How to test Year Make Model Search

Open the year make model search page – http://<your website>/index.php/ymmsearch  and select values as per products data (Refer Step 3) and view search results for product fitments.


How to setup Vehicle Master records

Make-Model Correlation is implemented using Year Make Model Master database table. Example of Correlation is “Civic is a model of Honda”.  For Importing Master Records of Year Make Model , Please install the YMM Data Importer module in your site. This module comes with your Year Make Model Pro extension package.

Please click below link for installation and instructions to use of YMM Data Importer.

Installation Service

Do you want one of our Magento experts to perform installation for you. Please send your request using the link below. Usually installation is completed quickly within one business day.

Professional Installation

Steps to Uninstall the Year Make Model Extension

Please follow the instructions below to uninstall Year Make Model extension and remove from your website.

Step 1: Go to the location app/etc/modules/Globalecom_Ymm.xml file
Find the line of code <active>true</active>
and change it to

Refresh the Cache in admin panel->System->Cache Management

Step 2: Remove the files ymm-search.phtml and ymm-search-sidebar.phtml in the following location.  This Path may vary as per the website theme/template used.

If there is Theme template folder then please follow this location
app/design/frontend/default/<Your Theme Folder>/template/catalog/product

Step 3: Please Disable or Delete the YMM Search CMS Page or YMM Search Static Block in your admin panel.


If you have any questions or issues, please contact technical support team via